Sharing the Story

After a packed out Christmas morning at the church meeting and a somewhat hurried family lunch I spent an hour thinking about a unique Christmas Evening opportunity we had to share the Christmas Story in a setting I’d never done before. I felt out of my depth, nervous and wondered how it would be to share this wonderful story amongst these qualified and able group of people. 

The Lord was with us and kind to us as we sang some carols and then I shared very briefly about Dr. Luke, the times he lived in, the reason he wrote his gospel account and then literally read parts of the first two chapters. At the end we were warmly received, the gathered group accepted my suggestion to pray for them and a couple of rich conversations ensued including a possible invite to our church meeting. It was a wonderfully different Christmas and I thank the Lord for it.

Here’s praying for more opportunities to share this story that has changed our life’s story. God’s love story as magnificently demonstrated through Jesus.

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